Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Newest Adventure

Welcome to my new blog! To tell you a little bit about myself--I am a mother of two (a 3 year old daughter(Ladybug) and a 6 month old son (Moonpie)) and a wife to a wonderful, hard-working husband (White Knight) , who works full-time at a library and is a grad student. I enjoy doing many things--playing with my kids, reading, writing, making crafts, baking and going on dates with my husband--to name a few.

I wanted a blog where I could just post whatever I feel like--especially random thoughts, the absurd things I might do, or to talk about books/movies I've read/seen, etc. I wanted a place to express myself and detail my many adventures--so, this is it. Hopefully, the things I share won't be overly boring and tedious, and maybe some might even be helpful or entertaining. Either way--welcome to my life as The Domestic Adventurer.

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