Does it ever seem like there are days where your kids don't want to play with any of their toys or are constantly getting in to mischief because they're 'bored' and it doesn't seem like you can get anything done? I know mine do. Once my kids have played with the same toy for several days in a row they become bored with it and it no longer holds their attention.
So, I came up with a solution...
We've gotten a lot of hand-me-down toys from one of my brothers, and there are times when it seems like we just have too many toys. When my little Ladybug was still a baby I started rotating her toys. And I've continued the practice (she's now 3).
I divide her toys up into two-three piles, but put out just one pile at a time. Then every 2-4 weeks I rotate the toys. She gets so excited when I bring out the new toys that she hasn't played with for a while--it's like Christmas (without the extra expense). The 'new' toys also hold her attention span a little longer so I'm able to get more things done around the house a little easier.
I've started doing it with my little Moonpie as well and I feel so productive today. The only thing I have to watch out for now is Ladybug taking over all the 'new' toys. ;-)
the best gift
12 years ago