The other day I was making Chicken Stir Fry for dinner and knew I needed to have it ready to eat by the time my husband came home from work since he had somewhere to be later on that evening. While stir fry isn't a particularly difficult meal, it can be hard to cut up veggies and chicken while you have a three year old getting into things and a 7 month old crying for some attention.
So, I had a thought--I could cut up the veggies/chicken and get the rice/water measured out, while Ladybug was enjoying her afternoon snack and Moonpie was napping. (While, I'm sure this isn't a new idea for many of you, and it wasn't totally for me either--I've made treats, crafts, etc. during this time--but I hadn't thought of preparing for dinner.)
It was a success! Although, I had a few more dishes to wash, my hands were chicken free when Moonpie needed attention and while Ladybug wanted help picking up her toys. Then when it time to make dinner all I had to do was turn on some burners and drop the food into the pan and dinner was ready to go. Easy Peasy!
the best gift
12 years ago